We’d Love to Help Solve Your Child’s Sleep Issues
First thing’s first! How old is your kiddo?
Prenatal or Newborn
I’m expecting or my baby is <16 weeks
Are you expecting or the parent to a brand new bundle of joy? Congratulations! Let’s work together to establish sustainable sleep practices and learn in-the-moment strategies that will keep you and your baby rested and ready for all sorts of new adventures!
Baby to Young Toddler
4 to 30 months old
The number of sleep issues that can arise for an infant in their first year is extraordinary. The most common ones we can help you tackle are feeding or rocking to sleep, frequent nighttime or early morning wake-ups and daytime napping challenges. But you name your struggle, and we are here to help solve it.
Toddler to Big Kid
2.5 to 6 years
Maybe the “baby stage” was a literal dream, but now that you’ve got a “big kid” you’ve got bigger problems. Bedtime battles like staying in their bed or room, holding you “hostage” to fall asleep, and crib to bed transitions are all things we can help you address.
Our Certified Sleep Consultants Feel Your Pain!
Yep, been there.
What if instead of the bedtime marathon and midnight meal times, your sweet little one was happily drifting through dreamland for a full night’s rest? We are all better versions of ourselves with the sleep we need, and you and your child are no different. Our proven method will have your little one snoozing through sweet dreams in less than a week.
As recovering pulling-my-hair-out-because-my-kid-isn’t-sleeping moms, we know exactly where you’re at, because we’ve been there. There’s nothing more debilitating than running on no rest for weeks on end, and nothing more frustrating than a baby who won’t sleep when you know they’re tired. (Trust us, your baby is just as frustrated, too.)
You’ve heard it all — from “Let him cry!” and “She’ll fall asleep eventually!” to every last suggestion (that you said you’d never try — until you did) in the book, and nothing seems to be working for your family. That’s where we come in.
Impartial, never-judgy and science-based, solutions-oriented sleep enthusiasts.
That’s right. It’s time for bed, and we’ve got you.
Need support like…yesterday? Get the on-demand program now!
Learn The Murray Method for Babies. This course is learned on your terms - anytime, anywhere. Best for babies between 4 to 30 months