early rising

The Curse of the Early Riser: 3 Tips on How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Later

The Curse of the Early Riser: 3 Tips on How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Later

I have always been an early riser.  Before having kids, I would love to wake-up early on weekends when most of of city is still asleep to go for a bike ride or run.  In those days I would get a lot of gratification out of getting more done by noon than most people get done in an entire day.  Back then, my definition of waking up early on the weekend was 8:00 AM and getting a lot done consisted of a work out, a mani/pedi and maybe a load of laundry.  Well, now that I am a parent, a LOT has changed.  Early morning bike rides have been replaced by early trips to the park, it’s a miracle if I am to squeeze in a shower before noon let alone a mani/pedi (have you seen my feet?) and now I consider 8:00 AM sleeping-in!