Wondering when you can start sleep training? First, let’s find out if your child is ready. Here are the things to look for when you decide to take the leap.
Surviving the Infamous 4 Month Sleep Regression
As a new parent, chances are that you have heard about the dreaded 4 Month Sleep Regression from a friend or family member or maybe you are currently going through it (I’m sorry!) with your babe. The war stories usually sound like this….
“Up until around 16 weeks my baby would fall asleep peacefully in my arms while feeding and would wake up just a couple times to feed overnight and then would fall back to sleep quickly like a little angel baby. Once my baby hit the 4 month mark, sleep became his enemy. Now he is up every hour wanting to party and it takes FOREVER for him to fall back to sleep.”
Sound familiar? If you ever wondered why so many families share the same story, you are in luck. I am going to shed some light on this phenomenon as well as share some surefire ways to get through it without losing too much sleep.