sleep myths

Why and How should I Swaddle My Baby So They Sleep Well

Why and How should I Swaddle My Baby So They Sleep Well

Learning how to soothe your baby or newborn so that they can sleep begins with a good swaddle! Kelly takes you step by step on how to swaddle, what the best blankets are for swaddling, and some insight on how it relates to your baby’s growth. Featuring Burt’s Bees Muslin Swaddle Blankets…

How Do I Know My Baby Is Ready to Move to a One Nap Schedule? Transitioning From Two Naps to One

How Do I Know My Baby Is Ready to Move to a One Nap Schedule? Transitioning From Two Naps to One

In this article, I explore one of the most frequently asked questions for my sleep Q&A: how do I know my baby is ready to move to a one nap schedule? I give you tips on how to handle the transition into a one nap schedule, what signs to look for so you know when your baby is ready, and go over how developmental milestones affect your baby’s sleep habits.