
The Best Back to School Sleep Tips

The Best Back to School Sleep Tips

It’s Back to School, which means (please) go back to sleep! Don’t worry — Sleep Consultant Erin Wolen’s got you covered with her top tips for getting your child back into the best sleep routine for back to school.

How to Get Your Newborn on a Good Schedule

How to Get Your Newborn on a Good Schedule

If you’re a new parent, you may be wondering the best way to get your newborn on a set schedule. Well… we’ve got good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news: newborns (mostly) set their own schedules, and those schedules are wildly unpredictable! Now for the good news: there is a TON you can do to help make your unpredictable newborn’s schedule more predictable and set them up for routine success. Read this blog post to find out the secrets!

How to Transition from Three Naps to Two

How to Transition from Three Naps to Two

If you're moving your baby from a three to two nap schedule and are a little anxious about it, first know that you are not alone. It can cause a lot of anxiety for parents and it's understandable! This is the first nap transition where you’re incorporating some pre-planning and strategy to really help your child find sleep success. With a little guidance from this blog post, you’re going to know exactly what to avoid, and exactly what to begin.

Six Tips to Keep the Sleep While Transitioning Back to Daycare

Six Tips to Keep the Sleep While Transitioning Back to Daycare

Let’s face it: daycare naps just aren’t as good as at-home naps. Or at least, that’s what the masses will tell you. But I’m on a mission to turn this around! That’s why I’m sharing my top six tips for how to keep the sleep while you transition your kiddo back to daycare. Let’s make daycare naps the new black.

How Do I Know My Baby Is Ready to Move to a One Nap Schedule? Transitioning From Two Naps to One

How Do I Know My Baby Is Ready to Move to a One Nap Schedule? Transitioning From Two Naps to One

In this article, I explore one of the most frequently asked questions for my sleep Q&A: how do I know my baby is ready to move to a one nap schedule? I give you tips on how to handle the transition into a one nap schedule, what signs to look for so you know when your baby is ready, and go over how developmental milestones affect your baby’s sleep habits.