
Is There a Sleep Regression at Two Years Old

Is There a Sleep Regression at Two Years Old

The short answer is…yes. The two year sleep regression can cause your toddler to take a long time to fall asleep, wake in the night, wake early in the morning, interrupt naps or a combination of these things. In this blog, Sleep Consultant, Katie Giguere shares the many reasons for why the two year sleep regression occurs.

Strategies to Help Your Child Relax at Bedtime and Overnight

Strategies to Help Your Child Relax at Bedtime and Overnight

Senior Sleep Consultant Marian van Noppen provides child relaxation techniques for separation anxiety and bedtime stress at night. Learn how to help your child put themselves back to sleep with your guidance, starting with the most supportive approach and providing more distance as trust is gained.

Befriending the Scaries at Bedtime

Befriending the Scaries at Bedtime

Children’s imaginations can run wild — and for good reason! They’re starting to develop abstract thought. But when fantastical thoughts start to affect bedtime, you need a plan for how to help your child through it. Read this guest blog by Sleep Squad member Marian van Noppen for her tips on how to befriend the bedtime scaries.