toddler sleep

Spring Break Sleep Tips for Kids

Spring Break Sleep Tips for Kids

Enjoy a stress-free spring break with your kids without sacrificing their sleep routines. Sleep Consultant Katie Guigere shares expert tips on maintaining healthy sleep habits, adjusting bedtimes, and packing essentials for restful nights. Perfect for families seeking a balance between fun and rest!

Disney Tips

Disney Tips

I'm thrilled to dive into this blog post with you, where we'll explore the perfect blend of sleep and Disney magic. As a pediatric sleep consultant and a Disneyland regular, I've gathered invaluable tips over the years while enjoying the parks with my three kids—all three years old and under. Today, I'm excited to share my ultimate sleep advice and bonus tips for making unforgettable memories at Disney while still prioritizing restful sleep for your little ones.

When Do Toddlers Drop Their Nap?

When Do Toddlers Drop Their Nap?

It’s time to talk about when is the right time for your toddler to bid farewell to their daily nap. Scary I know! I know from my own experience, it can be a bit intimidating. Determining the right time for your toddler to drop their nap is often an intuitive process but I’m here to help guide you on the best steps to take for an easy transition for both you and your toddler.