Disney Tips

Unlock the Secrets to a Dreamy Disney Visit with Your Little Ones!

By McKenna Linford (Senior Sleep Consultant)

Hey there, moms! I'm thrilled to dive into this blog post with you, where we'll explore the perfect blend of sleep and Disney magic. As a pediatric sleep consultant and a Disneyland regular, I've gathered invaluable tips over the years while enjoying the parks with my three kids—all three years old and under.

Today, I'm excited to share my ultimate sleep advice and bonus tips for making unforgettable memories at Disney while still prioritizing restful sleep for your little ones.

Tip 1: Rested Beginnings

Before you embark on your Disney adventure, here's my number one recommendation: ensure your children are well-rested. Planning a successful experience starts long before your trip. If you're unsure how to help your baby or toddler get the sleep they need, give us a call a few months or even a month or two in advance, and let's schedule a discovery call. I'd be thrilled to guide you through the process and ensure your little ones are well-rested, setting the stage for a magical time at Disney. Trust me, a trip with well-rested kids makes all the difference!

Tip 2: Embrace the Magic of Flexibility

Disneyland can be a whirlwind of emotions and excitement, especially with little ones in tow. To make the most of your visit, I recommend choosing three or four "must-do" activities for the day. These could be anything from meeting a favorite princess to trying out a new restaurant or enjoying a thrilling ride. By prioritizing these key experiences, you'll have a clearer plan for your day, and everything else will be a delightful bonus. Remember, not everything will go as planned, and that's okay! Keep your expectations realistic, and you'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish while still enjoying a fantastic day.

Tip 3: Essential Packing Must-Haves

Let's talk about Disney prep and the essential items that can make naptime a breeze, especially in the park.

  1. beloved blanket or Lovey

    First and foremost, bring along your child's beloved blanket or Lovey if it's feasible. Having something familiar and comforting will provide them with a sense of home and security, making naptime smoother.

  2. portable fans

    In the summer months, portable fans can be a game-changer. These convenient devices can be easily attached to your stroller, keeping your little one cool during those midday naps. Additionally, don't forget a portable sound machine to create a soothing environment amid the hustle and bustle of the park.

  3. muslin blanket

    Lastly, pack a thin muslin blanket, which can be used to cover distractions and ensure your child's nap space feels calm and cozy.

Tip 4: Stay Close for Ultimate Convenience

One of my favorite ways to approach a Disney visit is by staying within a 5- to 10-minute walk from the parks. The convenience of proximity can be a game-changer!

Start your day early, enjoy Disneyland in the morning, and when it's around midday, typically between 12:45 pm and 2:00 pm, head back to your hotel with your toddler. This allows them to have a restorative midday nap while you recharge as well.

Use this time to repack your stroller, restock essentials, and maybe even take a quick break yourself. After a few hours of naptime, your little one will wake up refreshed, and you can continue your Disney adventure, making it all the way to the captivating Firework Show. Believe me, this approach has led to some of our most cherished Disneyland memories!

Tip 5: Park Naps Made Possible

If you're planning to visit Disneyland for just one day or staying near the park isn't feasible, don't worry! I have some tips to help your little one nap during your park visit, whether they're on a two-nap schedule, three-nap schedule, or more.

Around 30 minutes to an hour before your child's nap time, aim to put them in the stroller and recline it slightly. Cover the stroller with a thin muslin blanket to minimize distractions, and use a sound machine and fan to create a soothing environment. Take a leisurely walk, trying to find areas with smooth pavement to ensure a comfortable ride. Walk for approximately 20 minutes or until your baby falls asleep. Once they're asleep, you can find a bench nearby to sit and enjoy some relaxation while they nap.

Using a carrier is another option for getting your baby to sleep at Disney. For newborns, I recommend the Solly Wrap, while the Omni 360 Ergobaby carrier works well for older or bigger babies. Attach the sound machine to yourself, secure your baby in the carrier, and go for a walk for around 20 minutes. If your baby falls asleep, you can find a place to sit. If they wake up when you sit down, continue walking until they fall asleep again.

Try to let your baby nap for as long as they need, understanding that shorter naps are normal in a new and stimulating environment. If they wake up after a few minutes or 30 minutes, don't worry—just try again for the next nap.

Tip 6: Best Nap Locations in Disneyland

When it comes to finding the perfect spot for your baby's nap, I have two favorite locations in Disneyland. 

  1. Winnie the Pooh

    One option is near the Winnie the Pooh ride, where you'll find a secluded sitting area with a waterfall. It's a quieter spot where you can park your stroller and use the natural sound machine to help your baby nap.

  2. Grizzly Bear Trail

    Another great location is the Grizzly Bear Trail in California Adventure. This trail runs alongside the water rides and provides a peaceful atmosphere. The smooth pavement makes it easy to navigate with a stroller, ensuring a comfortable nap for your little one.

Tip 7: Best Nap Locations in Disneyland

If you're using a carrier for your baby, you'll be pleased to know that there are several rides at Disney where you can safely bring your baby along. Consider planning nap times around these rides so you can enjoy the experience while your baby sleeps. 

Some suitable rides include "It's a Small World," "Pirates of the Caribbean," and the "Tiki Room" performance. Surprisingly, newborns tend to sleep well on the Haunted Mansion ride, making it a fantastic option for the Solly Wrap carrier. Take advantage of these rides to create a win-win situation for both naptime and fun.

Tip 8: Utilize Baby Stations

Don't forget about the fantastic resources available at the baby stations in Disneyland and California Adventure. These stations are located near the front of both parks and offer amenities that can make your day much easier. If you're struggling to get your baby to nap while on the move, visit the baby center and take advantage of the rocking chairs and quiet environment to soothe your baby to sleep. The baby stations also provide tools for making bottles, toddler toilets, and various supplies you may have forgotten to bring.

One thing that I love to do is make mac and cheese at the baby center and using the microwave. I bring little individual cup sizes that you can get from any grocery store and that is what I feed my kids for dinner when we're at the parks. This is because they are picky eaters and I don't want to spend a lot of money on a meal that I know they're probably not going to eat or take a few bites of. The awesome thing is you can also just have it on the go, make it and then have them sit in their stroller and eat it while you’re moving through the park.

Definitely make use of these convenient facilities to enhance your overall experience.

Tip 9 : Bring a Fanny Pack

Although this tip doesn't directly relate to sleep, it's still worth mentioning. Be prepared for long lines by carrying a fanny pack with you. If your carrier already has a front pocket, utilize it. Fill your fanny pack with a couple of snacks before leaving the stroller. Even if your kids have recently eaten, they may still get hungry while waiting in line. 

Additionally, having Smarties suckers in the fanny pack can be a game changer—they are mess-free and provide a long-lasting treat for toddlers.

Tip 10: Embrace a Stress-Free Approach

Finally, remember not to stress too much about naps and sleep at Disneyland. Your role as a parent is to offer the opportunity for a nap, but whether your child takes it or not is ultimately up to them. If they don't nap, don't let it ruin your day. Give them some extra time to burn off energy, let them run around, and then try again later. It's not worth spending more than 20-40 minutes attempting to make them sleep, as it can eat up your precious park time. Enjoy the experience, knowing you've prepared them for success, and if naps don't go as planned, just move forward and try again next time.

We Are Here to Help!

In conclusion, visiting Disney with your kids can be an incredibly memorable experience, and with these sleep tips in mind, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable trip for the whole family. Remember to plan for naps strategically, whether it's using the stroller or a carrier, exploring nap-friendly locations, taking advantage of baby stations, and embracing a stress-free mindset. By prioritizing your child's sleep while still having fun, you can create magical moments that will be cherished for years to come. So go ahead and embark on your Disney adventure, knowing that you're equipped with the knowledge to make it a dream come true for both you and your little ones.

If you're still struggling with your toddler’s sleep, feel free to set up a complimentary discovery call with either myself or someone on the Kelly Murray Sleep Squad and we would love to chat with you more about other options for your newborn, safe sleeping habits, and how we can help get you and your child better nights sleep.

All team members have completed training with Kelly and have learned the Murray Method. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with the families who trust in us. This way, all clients are able to experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep).

Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.