sleep expert

Disney Tips

Disney Tips

I'm thrilled to dive into this blog post with you, where we'll explore the perfect blend of sleep and Disney magic. As a pediatric sleep consultant and a Disneyland regular, I've gathered invaluable tips over the years while enjoying the parks with my three kids—all three years old and under. Today, I'm excited to share my ultimate sleep advice and bonus tips for making unforgettable memories at Disney while still prioritizing restful sleep for your little ones.

What Is The Best Schedule For a 3, 4, 5, and 6, Month Old?

What Is The Best Schedule For a 3, 4, 5, and 6, Month Old?

Discover the best schedules for 3, 4, 5, and 6-month-old babies in this blog post. Learn about recommended sleep durations, wake window strategies, and bedtime considerations. Whether your little one is on a 5 or 4-nap schedule, experiencing short naps or early wakings, we've got you covered. Find sample schedules, expert advice, and guidance for teaching independent sleep skills.

When Do Toddlers Drop Their Nap?

When Do Toddlers Drop Their Nap?

It’s time to talk about when is the right time for your toddler to bid farewell to their daily nap. Scary I know! I know from my own experience, it can be a bit intimidating. Determining the right time for your toddler to drop their nap is often an intuitive process but I’m here to help guide you on the best steps to take for an easy transition for both you and your toddler.

Can My Baby Sleep in a DockATot?

Can My Baby Sleep in a DockATot?

Are you a parent who has heard about the DockATot, a popular baby product that has gained widespread recognition in recent years? As with any popular product, it's common to have questions and concerns, particularly when it comes to something as important as sleep. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I frequently receive inquiries from clients regarding the use of the DockATot. In this post, I address these common questions and clear up any confusion surrounding this product.

When Can I Unswaddle My Baby?

When Can I Unswaddle My Baby?

When babies are newborns we swaddle them for many reasons. Babies really like the feeling of being snug and secure. They just spent nine months in a pretty tight space. So when they are born it can be really hard for them to adjust to all of a sudden being able to move their bodies freely.

This transition can be really tricky for a lot of babies and we have the answers on how to navigate the transition period.

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

You are probably wondering if hiring a sleep consultant is really worth it. Asking yourself if it’s really beneficial or if you can just tackle sleep training on your own.

A sleep consultant offers you expert guidance and support every step of the way and will create a plan that works for YOUR family.