When Can I Unswaddle My Baby?

When Can I Unswaddle My Baby?

BY Katie Baker, Sleep Consultant

When babies are newborns we swaddle them for many reasons. Babies really like the feeling of being snug and secure. They just spent nine months in a pretty tight space. So when they are born it can be really hard for them to adjust to all of a sudden being able to move their bodies freely. 

Babies are also born with something called the Moro reflex which is often called a startle reflex. You might notice that when you go to lay your baby down or they have been laying down unswaddled, they might suddenly splay their arms and legs. That is a reflex. It is something that can make sleep really hard if they are not swaddled because that reaction can wake them up. 

Swaddling is beneficial for sleep and it's also beneficial for soothing. I definitely recommend swaddling your newborn. There are a lot of different styles of swaddles that I encourage you to try out. Babies sometimes seem like they don't like being swaddled. They may try to fight it but once you get them nice and snug in there, I promise you it's super helpful. You can swaddle them in a receiving blanket, like a little burrito. There are zip-up swaddles, velcro swaddles, all sorts of different types. I encourage you to try and find the one that your baby likes the best.

How to Know When it is Time to Stop Swaddling

  1. If you have noticed that your baby has started rolling over.

    Typically around 3-4 months is when your baby starts to lose the Moro reflex. Often times it correlates with their new skill of rolling. It is not safe for babies to roll over when they are swaddled because they need their hands and their arms to get back to get to a safe sleeping space.

  2. If your baby has moved to a different position in their crib or bassinet.

    If you have laid your baby down in a crib or a bassinet and you have come back after they are asleep and you have noticed that they are in a different position, this means that they have moved around.  Which is a sign that they are starting to roll or a sign that they are moving around a little too much to be swaddled.

  3. If you have noticed that your baby has suddenly started fighting the swaddle.

    If they are able to bust out of the swaddle, it is probably time to transition them out. 

Recommended Products to Help

This transition can be really tricky for a lot of babies. If they are used to being swaddled when they are sleeping and then suddenly they are not, you might see a little bit of a sleep regression. The good news is there are a lot of products out there that can help you transition from swaddling.

A Sleep Sack

  • You can buy a sleep sack, which still has the bottom part but the arms are out.

  • A lot of the swaddles today are swaddle + sleep sack / "2 for 1 deal."

  • I often recommend starting with one arm out so it's a little bit of a slower transition. That way it's safe for them if they roll over but they are still also snug on one side. 

The Magic sleep suit

  • There are also items like the magic sleep suit.

  • Their arms are free but it's still super puffy so they are not as easy to be startled. 

What to Expect During the Transition Period

If you are in the midst of transitioning to an unswaddled baby, and you are noticing a little bit of a regression, just push through it. It takes babies sometimes a couple of nights of not being swaddled to get used to it.

It will work eventually and of course, we unswaddle in the name of safety. We want to make sure we are practicing safe sleep habits. Transitioning out of the swaddle is one of those things that we just have to do.

We Are Here to Help!

If you would like one-on-one help, you might consider working with someone on the Kelly Murray Sleep Squad!

The first step is to book a free discovery call. We would love to learn more about your child's sleep issues and share how we can help resolve them so that you can get the sleep that you deserve and that your child deserves.

All team members have completed training with Kelly and have learned the Murray Method. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with the families who trust in us. This way, all clients are able to experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep).

Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.