As Daylight Saving Time approaches, the thought of adjusting your child's sleep routine can be daunting. Fear not! Our guide offers simple, effective strategies to ensure your child smoothly transitions to the new schedule, ensuring peace and uninterrupted sleep for the whole family.
How to Stop Pumping at Night and Maintain Your Milk Supply While Transitioning Away from Night Feedings
Maintaining your breastfeeding routine while sleep training is of the utmost importance, especially when you’ve worked so hard to achieve it. I’m here to ease your worries and let you know that yes, you can breastfeed while sleep training. Here are four tips to help you maintain your milk supply as your baby starts sleeping for longer stretches and you begin to move away from night feedings.
How to Handle Guilt When Sleep Training
Sleep training can stir up a lot of mom guilt, but it doesn’t have to. In this blog, Senior Sleep Consultant Natalie Myre Hart explains how shifting your mindset can help you see sleep training as a gift to your baby — empowering them with lifelong independent sleep skills. Discover expert advice and supportive tips to make the journey easier for both you and your child.
How Long Does Sleep Training Really Take to Work? A Realistic Guide for Parents
Wondering how long it takes to sleep train your baby? In this comprehensive guide, Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni explains the timelines for various sleep training methods, realistic expectations, and common pitfalls to avoid. Whether you choose the Ferber method, chair method, or a CIO approach, discover practical tips to make sleep training a success. Patience and consistency are key — find out how to navigate this journey and achieve restful nights for your family.
Mastering Newborn Sleepy Cues
This blog post by Natalie Myre Hart is designed to help new parents quickly recognize and understand the sleepy cues of newborns. It offers practical advice on how to interpret early signs of tiredness in babies, aiming to prevent overtiredness. By identifying these cues early, parents and caregivers can better manage newborn sleep patterns, ensuring a smoother and more restful sleep routine for both the baby and themselves.
Why the Dream Feed Doesn’t Work
Let’s talk about the dream feed. It sounds great in theory, but is it the answer to your child’s sleep issues? In this blog post, Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni discusses how the dream feed affects deep sleep and sleep cycles, baby's hunger cues, and explains why this may not be the miracle solution parents hope for. But don’t worry, Jade also provides effective alternatives for promoting longer, healthier sleep for your baby!
How to Help Your Child Adjust to Daylight Saving Time Without Losing Sleep
Why You Aren’t Seeing Success with Sleep Training
Why Helping Your Child to Sleep Well Will Improve Your Relationship
Why Is My Baby Suddenly Waking Up Overnight?
Are the Holidays a Good Time to Sleep Train?
How to Handle When Your Parents Don't Agree With You Sleep Training Your Child
Today, I want to share some insights and tips for a situation that many parents face: what to do when your parents or in-laws don't approve of your choice to sleep train your baby. It’s more common than you think! It's essential to understand that different generations and cultures often have diverse approaches to handling sleep. These differences can lead to tension and disagreements when it comes to sleep training.
Top Newborn Tips
In this blog post, we're diving into the world of newborn sleep. I'm here to share tips that will not only help your newborn with getting the best sleep but also make those early days a tad more manageable for you. From the art of swaddling to crafting the perfect bedtime routine, differentiating day and night to emphasizing daytime naps, creating a safe sleep environment, and nurturing your parental instincts, we're covering it all.
Is it Ever Too Late to Sleep Train?
As a pediatric sleep consultant, one question I often encounter is, "Is it too late to sleep train?" It's a question that carries a touch of concern and worry, especially when it comes from a mom with an older baby, toddler, or even a preschooler. The fear that they might have missed the window for sleep training is a common one. So, let's debunk this myth and explore the possibilities.
Why Does My Child Still Cry at Bedtime After Being Sleep Trained?
I want to dive into a common question that pops up as we guide families through the sleep training journey. It's a question born from curiosity, sometimes tinged with concern, but it often goes like this: "My child starts crying when bedtime rolls around. Are they unhappy with their room? Do they despise bedtime? And, most importantly, will this crying ever end?" I'm here to tell you, it usually won't last forever, and here's why.
Can I Sleep Train While Breastfeeding?
Let's dive into something that's close to our hearts: breastfeeding and sleep training. Many of you have asked, "Can I breastfeed while I'm working on sleep training?" The answer? Absolutely! It's a journey that weaves two important threads of motherhood, and I'm here to help you navigate this path.
Why is My Child Only Taking 30 Minute Naps?
As a parent, you've probably experienced the frustration of your child taking short naps, leaving you wondering if there's a secret to getting them to sleep longer. Don't worry; you're not alone! In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons behind those brief naps and share expert tips to help your little one enjoy more extended, restful sleep.
Is There A Sleep Regression for 1 Year Olds?
When your baby reaches 12 months, you might notice them refusing their second nap or waking up unusually early, like 5 am. Before you hit the panic button, take a deep breath and remember that your child is going through significant developmental milestones. They are transitioning into toddlerhood and experiencing daily changes. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t worry! There's a lot happening developmentally at this age, and it's completely normal for sleep to become a bit wonky during this period.
What Is The Best Schedule For a 3, 4, 5, and 6 Month Old?
Discover the best schedules for 3, 4, 5, and 6-month-old babies in this blog post. Learn about recommended sleep durations, wake window strategies, and bedtime considerations. Whether your little one is on a 5 or 4-nap schedule, experiencing short naps or early wakings, we've got you covered. Find sample schedules, expert advice, and guidance for teaching independent sleep skills.
Can My Baby Sleep in a DockATot?
Are you a parent who has heard about the DockATot, a popular baby product that has gained widespread recognition in recent years? As with any popular product, it's common to have questions and concerns, particularly when it comes to something as important as sleep. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I frequently receive inquiries from clients regarding the use of the DockATot. In this post, I address these common questions and clear up any confusion surrounding this product.