Top Newborn Tips

Top Newborn Tips 

By Jade LiManni (MASTER Sleep Consultant)

The first few weeks with a newborn are a whirlwind of magic and, let's face it, exhaustion. As a mother and a pediatric sleep consultant, I understand the blend of emotions you're experiencing, and one of the most significant challenges you might face is helping your precious one establish healthy sleep habits.

But don’t worry, because I'm here to share some invaluable tips to help your newborn drift into the world of dreams.


1. Embrace the Swaddle

Swaddling is like a warm, snug hug for your baby. It recreates the secure, cozy feeling of the womb, making your little one feel calm, safe, and ready for slumber.

Ensure you use a lightweight, breathable swaddle blanket to keep your baby comfortable and safe all night.

Maintaining the right room temperature, around 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, is crucial for a good night's sleep.


2. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Newborns thrive on routine. A consistent bedtime routine works like magic, signaling to your baby that it's time to wind down.

Keep it simple and soothing. Activities such as a warm bath, a gentle massage, lullabies, or a bedtime story can set the stage.

End the routine with a feeding; at this age, we want them to be full and drowsy.


3. Differentiate Day and Night

Newborns often mix up their days and nights, which can lead to some sleepless nights for parents.

To help your baby adjust, expose them to natural light and engaging activities during the day while keeping a bright and lively environment. At night, create a calm and dimly lit atmosphere to encourage sleep, with minimal talking; it should mainly be about feeding and returning to bed.


4. Emphasize Daytime Naps

Contrary to popular belief, a well-rested baby sleeps better at night.

Encourage daytime naps by providing a quiet, dark, and peaceful environment.

Keep these naps short; newborns have a wake time of just 45 to 75 minutes during the first few weeks of life.

They need frequent naps throughout the day, so don't worry about disrupting their sleep schedule. A rested baby is a happy baby.


5. Create a Safe Sleep Environment

Ensure your baby's sleep environment is safe and conducive to quality sleep.

Always place your newborn on their back to sleep on a firm mattress.

Remove any loose bedding, pillows, or stuffed animals from the crib, and keep the room temperature comfortable, around 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Be Patient and Trust Your Instincts

Every baby is unique, and it may take time for your little one to settle into a consistent sleep routine.

Be patient with yourself and your child as sleep patterns evolve over time. As a parent, trust your instincts and adapt these tips to meet your baby's individual needs.

We Are Here to Help!

I hope these newborn sleep tips help you and your little one embark on a journey of restful nights and sweet dreams. Remember, establishing healthy sleep habits takes time, so be gentle with yourself and your baby. Cherish these precious moments and know that you are doing an incredible job as a parent. Here's to many peaceful nights ahead.

If you need further assistance with your newborn or help with an older child, feel free to set up a complimentary discovery call with either myself or someone on the Kelly Murray Sleep Squad.

We've designed a newborn sleep plan tailor-made for parents like you, working towards those healthy sleep habits. We would love to chat with you more about other options for your baby and how we can help get you and your child better nights sleep.

All team members have completed training with Kelly and have learned the Murray Method. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with the families who trust in us. This way, all clients are able to experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep).

Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.