sleep training methods

How to Transition from Two Naps to One: a Step-by-Step Guide

How to Transition from Two Naps to One: a Step-by-Step Guide

Discover how to effortlessly transition your toddler from two naps to one. This concise guide offers practical steps and signs of readiness, ensuring your child maintains restful sleep during this crucial change.

Why Consistency is so Important During Sleep Training

Why Consistency is so Important During Sleep Training

If there is a single most important part of sleep training, it’s consistency. In order to see success, you need to be consistent! Without it, you will be sending a very confusing message to your baby that can sabotage progress and it’s very unfair to your little one.

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

So you’ve decided to sleep train your baby after multiple long nights, weeks, or even months of sleepless nights. You’ve probably heard wonderful stories from friends and family about their experiences and would love that same experience — except you have something they don’t: anxiety. ⁠

Multiple questions might flood your mind: Are you able to sleep train and see results? (Spoiler: YES!) How will you get through this period? Will they just outgrow this on their own? What will others think?

Senior Sleep Consultant shares her top tips on how to go through the sleep training process starting from night one while working through the anxiety.

Is It Bad to Sleep Train Your Baby?

Is It Bad to Sleep Train Your Baby?

If you’ve researched sleep training, then you’ve probably seen it all — the good, the bad, and the ugly. There’s a lot of information to parse through and it can be difficult to get an accurate read on the real-life impact of sleep training for a child and family. As a mama who knows what it’s like to go from exhausted to seeing her child thrive from sleep training, Sleep Squad Consultant Stacey Mademann shares her first-hand knowledge on the subject using the latest research to help illustrate the positive impact of teaching your child this life skill.

A Sleep Consultant's Take on the Snoo

A Sleep Consultant's Take on the Snoo

Not a week goes by that I don’t get asked, “What are your thoughts on the Snoo?” As you can probably imagine, it’s hard to sum up my thoughts into one sentence, and you may be surprised to know that — gasp — I don’t hate it! But, like any sleep-assisting mechanism, it is not without its disadvantages.

In this blog post, I go into the pros and cons of the Snoo once and for all and give you my ultimate opinion so that you, dear parent, can make your own informed decision for your newborn.

How to Transition from Three Naps to Two

How to Transition from Three Naps to Two

If you're moving your baby from a three to two nap schedule and are a little anxious about it, first know that you are not alone. It can cause a lot of anxiety for parents and it's understandable! This is the first nap transition where you’re incorporating some pre-planning and strategy to really help your child find sleep success. With a little guidance from this blog post, you’re going to know exactly what to avoid, and exactly what to begin.

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

You know your baby is too tired when they can't sleep. Unlike adults, babies sleep worse when they have been kept awake too long. This is because of an overproduction of cortisol in their system. Allow me to explain what's going on behind this phenomenon in this blog post and what you can do to get your child back to sleep.

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

New Year’s Resolution: To Give My Child Better Sleep. Sound like you? With most of us still in isolation and with the cold temperatures keeping us cooped up, there’s no better time to hunker down and sleep train your child for the New Year. In this blog post, I give you my Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep to get your child’s sleep in tip-top shape for 2021.

What the Heck Is Sleep Training Anyway? Do You REALLY Need To Do It To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night?

What the Heck Is Sleep Training Anyway? Do You REALLY Need To Do It To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night?

Learn about different popular sleep training methods: what they are and how effective each is in getting your baby to sleep through the night.