sleep through the night

Strategies to Help Your Child Relax at Bedtime and Overnight

Strategies to Help Your Child Relax at Bedtime and Overnight

Senior Sleep Consultant Marian van Noppen provides child relaxation techniques for separation anxiety and bedtime stress at night. Learn how to help your child put themselves back to sleep with your guidance, starting with the most supportive approach and providing more distance as trust is gained.

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

So you’ve decided to sleep train your baby after multiple long nights, weeks, or even months of sleepless nights. You’ve probably heard wonderful stories from friends and family about their experiences and would love that same experience — except you have something they don’t: anxiety. ⁠

Multiple questions might flood your mind: Are you able to sleep train and see results? (Spoiler: YES!) How will you get through this period? Will they just outgrow this on their own? What will others think?

Senior Sleep Consultant shares her top tips on how to go through the sleep training process starting from night one while working through the anxiety.

Is It Bad to Sleep Train Your Baby?

Is It Bad to Sleep Train Your Baby?

If you’ve researched sleep training, then you’ve probably seen it all — the good, the bad, and the ugly. There’s a lot of information to parse through and it can be difficult to get an accurate read on the real-life impact of sleep training for a child and family. As a mama who knows what it’s like to go from exhausted to seeing her child thrive from sleep training, Sleep Squad Consultant Stacey Mademann shares her first-hand knowledge on the subject using the latest research to help illustrate the positive impact of teaching your child this life skill.

When It's Time to Ditch the Paci and How to Do It

When It's Time to Ditch the Paci and How to Do It

Pacifiers can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they can be soothing and even help to prevent SIDS during the first 6 months of a baby’s life. But on the other hand, they can wreak havoc on a child’s sleep — and that affects everything. Sleep Squad Consultant Stacey Mademann has the tips you need for recognizing when it’s time to get rid of the pacifier and the ways to make it happen.

Befriending the Scaries at Bedtime

Befriending the Scaries at Bedtime

Children’s imaginations can run wild — and for good reason! They’re starting to develop abstract thought. But when fantastical thoughts start to affect bedtime, you need a plan for how to help your child through it. Read this guest blog by Sleep Squad member Marian van Noppen for her tips on how to befriend the bedtime scaries.