
A Doctor's Take On the Updated AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations

A Doctor's Take On the Updated AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations

The new AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations have some parents second guessing every move with their babies. That’s why I turned to the pediatrician I trust the most — my own children’s doctor, Dr. Payal Adhikari — to weigh in on the latest updates made to the guidelines. In this blog, read what Dr. Adhikari had to say and learn more about some of the most important updates made to the AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations.

When It's Time to Ditch the Paci and How to Do It

When It's Time to Ditch the Paci and How to Do It

Pacifiers can be a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they can be soothing and even help to prevent SIDS during the first 6 months of a baby’s life. But on the other hand, they can wreak havoc on a child’s sleep — and that affects everything. Sleep Squad Consultant Stacey Mademann has the tips you need for recognizing when it’s time to get rid of the pacifier and the ways to make it happen.

The Pacifier and Sleep - Friend or Foe?

The Pacifier and Sleep - Friend or Foe?

One of the most common questions I get from new parents is -- will a pacifier improve my baby's sleep? I know that I asked myself this same question when I was a new mom and to my dismay, neither one of my babies would take a pacifier no matter how hard I tried… And let me tell you, I tried

I tried every brand, every shape, every type, every color and honestly, if someone had told me if I stood on my head and gave my baby a pacifier that they would be more likely to take it, I would've tried that too. But no such luck -- it just didn’t work for me.

Little did I know, the pacifier likely wasn't the answer to our sleep prayers, and actually it would have likely caused even more difficulties overnight.