Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

BY Jade LiManni, Master Sleep Consultant

The short answer…YES!

I've been on the team for a little over four years now, and Kelly was actually my baby sleep consultant for my oldest child, who's now almost 6. 

These are some of the questions that I feel parents have because I can hear it coming through on the discovery calls, but they never really want to ask are:

  • Why should I hire you? 

  • Why do I need a sleep consultant? 

  • Can't I do this on my own?

And those are questions that I asked myself, too, before hiring Kelly. I agonized over it… 2:00 AM, Google searches… “how do I get my baby to sleep through the night?” 

And then I would try this, and then I would try that, and nothing ever stuck. 

Can you relate?

If so, let’s dive into why sleep consultants are worth it!

Sleep consultants offer expert knowledge every step of the way

One of the biggest benefits of using a sleep consultant is having a consolidated plan from a professional that you can follow step by step. I think that is the biggest benefit of working with a sleep consultant!

You're not trying every trick under the sun and only giving it three days to work. Or your neighbor next door said, “well, I just dream feed and that's how my baby falls asleep.” And your other neighbor said, “well, I just pat them, and that's how they fall asleep.” And then Google told you you couldn't do any of those things. 

Super confusing, right?

There's just a lot of information out there. It's really hard to find what is tried and true and that you feel you can trust.

So, the number one reason why hiring a sleep consultant is worth it is that you get a step-by-step plan that doesn’t leave you with a bunch of questions. And if you have a question, you have a professional to ask or explain further. You will have a plan you can confidently follow and give it a chance it deserves to get your child to sleep through the night.

Sleep consultants provide support

Another reason a sleep consultant is worth it is the added support you get. It is tough to go through sleep training with your child, no matter their age. It’s a stressful time for you; it's never fun to listen to your child cry, but also for your child. 

With our method, you are supporting your child through learning to fall asleep independently (we would never ask you to shut the door and go back in the morning - we are not a cry-it-out method), but will there be some tears? Absolutely. And that comes with anybody that's going through a change. Nobody likes change, and protesting is okay, but it will still be stressful. 

So having that support person to lean on for guidance when times are tough is so valuable. You can get reassurance from them, or when things aren't going exactly according to plan, you have a professional in your court that can make those real-time game decisions. 

They are also there to listen to anything that might be going on and offer helpful advice and tips because, as sleep consultants, we have seen it all. We get to share our knowledge and experience with you and offer suggestions for things you might not have thought of and strategies you might want to try.

Sleep consultants create a plan that works for your family

We don’t just offer advice related to sleep training. Sometimes it's just about your overall schedule or the family dynamic or balancing all the demands of work and daycare, and it becomes too stressful. You want something manageable for your family, so that's something that a sleep consultant is also helping with. 

It's not a one-size-fits-all, and it is something that we can customize and tailor to what works for your family. 

Not everybody can have their baby go to bed at 6:30, so we have to look at what your child needs, their sleep needs, and a comprehensive plan that's going to work not only for your child but also for your family dynamic

Yes, sleep consultants are worth it!

In summary, some of the major benefits of working with a sleep consultant.

  • Having our expertise and knowledge every step of the way

  • Having an expert as your support system and guide 

  • Having a consolidated, customized plan, you feel works for your family and is tailored to your child.

If those reasons sound like things you need to reach your family’s sleep goals, you might consider working with someone on the Kelly Murray Sleep Squad!

The first step is to book a free discovery call. We would love to learn more about your child's sleep issues and share how we can help resolve them so that you can get the sleep that you deserve and that your child deserves.

All team members have completed training with Kelly and have learned the Murray Method. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with the families who trust in us. This way, all clients are able to experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep).

Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.