School Aged Children

Spring Break Sleep Tips for Kids

Spring Break Sleep Tips for Kids

Enjoy a stress-free spring break with your kids without sacrificing their sleep routines. Sleep Consultant Katie Guigere shares expert tips on maintaining healthy sleep habits, adjusting bedtimes, and packing essentials for restful nights. Perfect for families seeking a balance between fun and rest!

Early Riser? Take Advantage of the Spring Time Change to Help Your Child Sleep Later

Early Riser? Take Advantage of the Spring Time Change to Help Your Child Sleep Later

Discover how Daylight Saving Time 2024 can be a turning point for parents with early-rising children. Our blog details two practical, natural methods to adjust your child's wake-up time. Learn how incremental shifts and smart scheduling can ease your family into a routine where mornings start later, bringing more rest for your child and less stress for you. Ideal for those looking for straightforward solutions to early mornings, this post offers clear, actionable advice for a smoother adjustment to the time change.

Why Helping Your Child to Sleep Well Will Improve Your Relationship

Why Helping Your Child to Sleep Well Will Improve Your Relationship

A good night's sleep is crucial for children's well-being, but its impact on parent-child relationships is often underestimated. As a pediatric sleep consultant, I've witnessed how prioritizing healthy sleep habits can improve family dynamics. This happens in multiple ways…

Why Is My Baby Suddenly Waking Up Overnight?

Why Is My Baby Suddenly Waking Up Overnight?

This blog is to shed some light on a very common concern we hear from so many clients :"Why is my baby suddenly waking up overnight?" Let's dive into a few potential reasons and strategies to help your little one get a restful night's sleep.

Are the Holidays a Good Time to Sleep Train?

Are the Holidays a Good Time to Sleep Train?

As we step into the festivities and merriment of the holiday season, a compelling question arises for many…Is the holiday season an ideal time to embark on the journey of sleep training for your little one?

How to Handle When Your Parents Don't Agree With You Sleep Training Your Child

How to Handle When Your Parents Don't Agree With You Sleep Training Your Child

Today, I want to share some insights and tips for a situation that many parents face: what to do when your parents or in-laws don't approve of your choice to sleep train your baby. It’s more common than you think! It's essential to understand that different generations and cultures often have diverse approaches to handling sleep. These differences can lead to tension and disagreements when it comes to sleep training.

Is it Ever Too Late to Sleep Train?

Is it Ever Too Late to Sleep Train?

As a pediatric sleep consultant, one question I often encounter is, "Is it too late to sleep train?" It's a question that carries a touch of concern and worry, especially when it comes from a mom with an older baby, toddler, or even a preschooler. The fear that they might have missed the window for sleep training is a common one. So, let's debunk this myth and explore the possibilities.

Why Does My Child Still Cry at Bedtime After Being Sleep Trained?

Why Does My Child Still Cry at Bedtime After Being Sleep Trained?

I want to dive into a common question that pops up as we guide families through the sleep training journey. It's a question born from curiosity, sometimes tinged with concern, but it often goes like this: "My child starts crying when bedtime rolls around. Are they unhappy with their room? Do they despise bedtime? And, most importantly, will this crying ever end?" I'm here to tell you, it usually won't last forever, and here's why.

Back to School Sleep Tips

Back to School Sleep Tips

Can you believe it's that time already? Back to school season is upon us, and while I'm personally excited for this new chapter, I know it can bring a whirlwind of emotions and changes, especially when it comes to our little ones' sleep schedules. I'm here to share some tried-and-true tips to help us moms make this transition as smooth as possible. After all, getting our kiddos back on track with an earlier sleep routine is a game-changer, right?

A Sleep Consultant's Review of the SlumberPod®

A Sleep Consultant's Review of the SlumberPod®

Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni reviews one of our favorite sleep products on the market, the SlumberPod.

3 Tips for Keeping Your Toddler in Their Bed

3 Tips for Keeping Your Toddler in Their Bed

How do I keep my toddler in their bed at night?

It’s a question that, unfortunately, many parents find that they must ask eventually. Keeping toddlers in their beds at night requires three different things:

  1. Age appropriate schedule

  2. Firm boundaries

  3. Coping strategies for nightly separation anxiety

Why Consistency is so Important During Sleep Training

Why Consistency is so Important During Sleep Training

If there is a single most important part of sleep training, it’s consistency. In order to see success, you need to be consistent! Without it, you will be sending a very confusing message to your baby that can sabotage progress and it’s very unfair to your little one.

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

You are probably wondering if hiring a sleep consultant is really worth it. Asking yourself if it’s really beneficial or if you can just tackle sleep training on your own.

A sleep consultant offers you expert guidance and support every step of the way and will create a plan that works for YOUR family.

When Can I Expect My Baby to Sleep Through the Night?

When Can I Expect My Baby to Sleep Through the Night?

This is a common question that parents have. And while the short answer is when your baby is between 12-15 pounds or double their birth weight, there is more to it than that. At Kelly Murray Sleep, we look to establish the sleep equation to set babies up for sleeping through the night once they are ready. Read on for the four things that make up the sleep equation.

Is There a Sleep Regression at Two Years Old

Is There a Sleep Regression at Two Years Old

The short answer is…yes. The two year sleep regression can cause your toddler to take a long time to fall asleep, wake in the night, wake early in the morning, interrupt naps or a combination of these things. In this blog, Sleep Consultant, Katie Giguere shares the many reasons for why the two year sleep regression occurs.

A Sleep Consultant's Review of Zenimal

A Sleep Consultant's Review of Zenimal

We love meditation to help children relax before bed but the problem is most devices that play meditations have lights (a.k.a. not good for sleep). This is why I was so intrigued to try out Zenimal - a kid-freindly meditation device that does not have any lights! This blog is my personal review of the product based on my own experience with it.

How to Drop the Nap

How to Drop the Nap

Is it taking your 3 year old longer than 20 mins to fall asleep at bedtime?

Are they no longer able to maintain a 10 hour night?

If yes, then t’s time to shorten (if longer than 1 hour) or drop the nap.

But how??

Give them “Quiet Time.”