Back to School Sleep Tips

Back to School Sleep Tips

By meg meadows - (Senior Sleep Squad Consultant)

Can you believe it's that time already? Back to school season is upon us, and while I'm personally excited for this new chapter, I know it can bring a whirlwind of emotions and changes, especially when it comes to our little ones' sleep schedules.

I'm here to share some tried-and-true tips to help us moms make this transition as smooth as possible. After all, getting our kiddos back on track with an earlier sleep routine is a game-changer, right?


Tip 1: Ease into It

You know how it goes, our summer schedules tend to be a bit more laid-back. If you're anything like me, things might have shifted to a later timeframe. So when it's time to readjust those sleep times, let's take it slow. I'm talking about moving things by about 15 minutes at a time. Now, if your schedule is packed and you need to speed things up, that's totally okay too. The key here is finding what works for your family.


Tip 2: Dim the Light

Our bodies have this incredible internal clock, often referred to as the circadian rhythm. It's like our built-in timekeeper that influences when we feel sleepy and when we're alert.

Now, this internal clock is heavily influenced by light—both natural and artificial. It's like a dance between two key players: cortisol, our wake-up-and-shine hormone, and melatonin, our sleepy-time champion.

Picture BOTH as a duo working together to create a harmonious sleep-wake cycle.

When our eyes take in bright light, especially the morning natural sunlight, it signals our brain to decrease melatonin production. This drop in melatonin is like a gentle nudge, telling us, "Hey, it's time to rise and shine!" And who do we have to thank for this delightful wake-up call? None other than cortisol, the hormone that ramps up our alertness and gets us ready to conquer the day.

So, as we gear up for the back-to-school hustle, remember this dynamic duo. 

  1. Evening = Dim the Lights

    In the evening, consider dimming the lights and shades in your home. Think of it as a signal to your child's body: "Hey there, sleepyhead, time to start producing melatonin for a peaceful night's sleep." It's like setting the stage for a serene slumber.

2. Mornings = Expose Natural Light

Mornings are equally important in this sleep equation. Exposure to natural daylight in the morning is like giving your child's internal clock a hearty breakfast. Open the blinds or go outside. The influx of bright light tells cortisol, "Rise and shine! It's time to kick into high gear." And when cortisol takes the spotlight, melatonin takes a bow, allowing your little one to feel alert, energized, and ready to tackle the day ahead.

So, as you embark on this journey to readjust sleep schedules, remember the power of light. Dim those lights in the evening to encourage melatonin production, and embrace the morning sun to give cortisol a friendly boost. By working in harmony with these natural cues, you're paving the way for a smoother back-to-school sleep transition.


Tip 3: Setting Expectations

Change, even exciting ones like back to school, can sometimes be a little scary for our little ones. That's where setting clear expectations comes in. Remember that bedtime routine we had in place? Now's the time to bring it back. Whether it's story time or a special stuffed animal, these familiar steps reassure our kids that everything is okay.

You could even try a fun reward system—stickers, anyone? And here's a cool idea: practice the morning routine like it's a game. See who can get ready the fastest. It's a playful way to introduce the new routine and get them excited about it.


We Are Here to Help!

As we gear up for back to school, let's keep in mind that creating a new sleep routine requires a bit of patience and planning. These tips are here to help us moms make this transition a breeze and ensure our little ones are well-rested and ready to take on the school day.

And, of course, if you need a helping hand, our Sleep Squad team is right here to support you. Let's make this back-to-school sleep transition a success, one well-rested night at a time!

If you're still struggling with you child’s sleep and would like personalized guidance, our expert sleep consultants are here to help. Schedule a 15-minute complimentary discovery call with either myself or someone on the Kelly Murray Sleep Squad and we would love to chat with you more about other options for your baby and how we can help get you and your child better nights sleep.

All team members have completed training with Kelly and have learned the Murray Method. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with the families who trust in us. This way, all clients are able to experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep).

Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.