Top Travel Essentials for Baby Sleep

Top Travel Essentials for Baby Sleep: A Mom's Recommendations

By: McKenna Linford, Master Sleep Consultant

My babies may not be “babies” anymore, (they’re five, three, and two), but at one point, they were teeny tiny and traveling was pretty daunting. In fact, I actually avoided traveling for a bit. That is, until I found some great products that made traveling so much simpler and easy to manage.

I have used and recommended these items time and time again, especially with my clients. At Kelly Murray Sleep, we always discuss travel with our clients, and I consistently recommend these same products because they have been a game changer for me and my family. In this post, I’m sharing those products with you so that you, too, can make traveling with your baby a little easier.

Wondering about the best products to support your baby’s sleep while traveling?

Keep reading!


Listen: You Need a Portable Sound Machine

We always recommend using sound machines for babies. It reminds them of being in the womb and helps them to connect sleep cycles so they stay asleep longer. (Did you know? When your baby was in your womb, there was definitely constant noise — it was not quiet in there.) A sound machine can be really helpful for sleep for babies (as well as adults!), as consistent sound helps to mask external noises that may disrupt sleep.

My favorite portable sound machine is called the Hushh by Yogasleep. I love that it's small and has a few different settings. You can turn it up pretty loud or you can keep it quite low, depending on the level of noise masking you may need. It comes with a cord to charge, and it holds its charge for multiple days, which is ideal.

Personally, I always hang this on my car seat handle to be used when traveling or even just out and about if you're going on a day trip. I love the sound it produces; it kind of sounds like a fan. It's really soothing. Its size also means there’s no need to carry around that bigger sound machine that you typically find in a baby's room. This is all you need and it does not take up very much space.


My Top Favorite: The SlumberPod

This SlumberPod is my favorite one of all. It is life-changing! I actually own two of them – that’s how amazing they are. It works by creating a separate, dark, pitch-black, little room for your baby. Seriously — it is amazing.

The SlumberPod is so easy to put up. It's kind of like a little mini tent and it comes in a bag that's easy to pack. It’s made of a light, breathable material and it fits over a standard pack and play. There is a place for a video camera, as well as access to put a little fan, if needed. It truly is such a game changer and is super easy to use. You can zip up the tent fully or leave it a little bit open.

The best part? You can have your child sleep right next to you in their pack and play, tucked into their perfect sleep environment in their own little space. This also holds true for when you’re in a tight space or a single hotel room where, perhaps, you don’t have the ability to put your kids in separate rooms, despite the fact they may have different bedtimes and routines. The Slumber Pod takes care of this, as you can keep the lights on and get yourself or your other kiddos ready for bed while your baby stays in their pitch-black little room. (Say goodbye to hiding out in the bathroom!)


Get a Good Pack ’n Play

Another one of my very favorite products for traveling is an awesome Pack ’n Play. I personally love the 4moms breeze® go Portable Travel Playard.

The main reason I love it is that it’s so easy to put up and take down – you can even do it with one hand. I'm not sure if you've ever experienced trying to set up a Pack ’n Play late at night after an unexpected late-night arrival to your destination, but the last thing you want to be doing is trying to pull and twist and pull up those sides when all you want to do is get to bed!

This is not the case with the 4moms. It’s super easy to set up and take down and it makes setting up your baby's bed while traveling really simple and quick.


Try an Inflatable Multi-Use Cushion

The last travel product I want to share with you is an inflatable multi-purpose cushion. It's a little blow-up device that goes in the legroom area between your child’s seat and the seat in front of them. You can lay your baby down to sleep in that seat (seat-belted, of course!) using the extra space where their legs would go. You simply blow up the cushion and place it in the gap.

It creates almost like a little bed right next to you. It's super simple and it packs up super tight. I know it doesn't seem like it would make a big difference, but it does!


Jet Set, Jet Ready, GO!

Those are the best products to use when traveling with babies, in my opinion. I would love to hear how you like them if you use them, so please leave a comment or email us with your feedback!

As always, we are here for you and your family to support all your sleep needs every step of the way. If you have any questions about these products or traveling with your kiddos, we are happy to help.

Remember: the first step to good sleep while traveling is supporting your child’s independent sleep skills, so if you need help in this area, please give us a call. We offer travel support for our former clients once you’re a part of our client community, so keep that in mind when developing your family’s travel plans for the future!


All team members have completed training with Kelly and have learned the Murray Method. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with the families who trust in us. This way, all clients are able to experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep).

Sweet Dreams…

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.