4 Travel Tips for Families with Multiple Children

The holidays are over and everyone has gotten back into the swing of things.

You might be asking yourself: What’s next??

I know I am!

Many families are beginning to think about their next trip or weekend getaway. However, traveling with multiple kids (or even one kid or baby) can sound daunting and can be straight-up exhausting. Is it worth it?

I have three little girls who keep me busy — ages 3, 1 and 4 months old. It can be easy to stay at home and miss out while we are in the “baby stage” with kids, but I assure you that if you plan well, getting out and saying yes to that trip or weekend getaway will not disappoint. I’m sharing my top 4 tips that have made traveling with little kids easier, more relaxing and even more fun! (YES! You can still have a great time while traveling with your babies!)

The key to having a successful trip is to make sure your family gets good sleep. When everyone is well-rested, children are happier and better-able to adapt to new surroundings and routines. Whether you are staying at a hotel, with family or friends, or even renting out an AirBnB, these tips and tricks will give you the confidence to go ahead and book that trip!


Top 4 Tips for Families Traveling with Multiple Kids & Babies

By McKenna Linford, Senior Sleep Consultant


Tip #1: Make sure each child has a space of their own

The biggest thing I look for when deciding where to stay while traveling is space for my baby (or babies in my case). Providing a good sleep space for your baby will help ensure they can go to sleep easily and stay asleep. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to book multiple hotel rooms or look for the most expensive AirBnB. You have options!

How to set up your baby’s personal sleep space if you’re…

… staying at a hotel:

Look for a space that has a bathroom big enough to fit a Pack ‘n Play while still being able to close the door (some hotels have a tiny toilet room without enough space for a Pack ‘n Play). This is always an easy go-to spot for a baby’s sleep space because it is cool and dark — perfect for a baby to sleep well.

… booking an AirBnB:

Look for a well-ventilated walk-in closet. Most master bedrooms have one that is completely empty. This is also a great place to put a Pack ‘n Play and use as a mini nursery for traveling!

… staying with family or friends:

Utilizing a walk-in closet or bathroom can also work wonders.

If a walk-in closet or bathroom is not an option for you, don't worry! A SlumberPod is going to save the day. We have recommended the SlumberPod for years now for traveling, as well as room sharing and sleep training. They are amazing! The SlumberPod is a blackout tent that fits perfectly over a Pack ‘n Play. It is made of lightweight, breathable fabric and even has a space for a baby monitor so you can easily check in on your baby. I promise: it is a game changer when it comes to traveling with babies or toddlers. I own two and use them both on every trip. You won’t regret it!
(Bonus: use the code KELLYMURRAY10 to save $20 at checkout on your SlumberPod!)

If you can come up with a good plan for where your child will sleep ahead of time, then you're on your way to a wonderful trip!


Tip #2: Bring items from home

One of the best things you can do while traveling is mimic the environment your child sleeps in at home. You can’t take the whole nursery with you, but you can take some things!

Make sure to pack your child’s sound machine. If your baby sleeps in a swaddle or sleep sack, make sure to bring that, too. If you have a toddler who loves a special stuffed animal or blanket, bring that! Anything that can bring comfort while away from home will help your child feel more at ease and sleep better.

On my packing list is always their special blanket, sound machine and bunny. This is my personal favorite travel sound machine.


Tip #3: Stick to a Schedule

A common mistake parents make when traveling is that they try to pack too many activities into a short period of time. I get it. When traveling, you want to get it all in — but I promise, if you make a few adjustments to your plans, it will be well worth it.

If it is possible, have one good nap a day scheduled for your baby. If your baby is on a two-nap schedule, try to have at least one of those naps at the hotel or place you are staying. The other nap can be on-the-go (stroller, car). This will help your child to be better-rested and more flexible. (Of course, if you can have all naps in the same location, even better!)

For your toddler, try to pick and choose when you will want to skip a nap or when you’ll let them stay up later. For example, if you know that on Wednesday they will miss their nap, make sure naps are really a priority Monday and Tuesday. Same goes for a late night. If you know and plan on staying out late one night, make sure that going to bed happens on time the other nights where it’s an option.

I promise that the picking and choosing when to break the habits will pay off. Many days off a good sleep schedule can really turn a fun trip into a nightmare. That said, I know life happens and staying on a normal schedule can be tricky on vacation. I recommend staying within 30 minutes of the normal bedtime and naptime.


Tip #4: Be realistic.

After all is said and done, we as parents can only do so much to prepare our children and help them get great sleep while traveling. We do what we can — and the rest is up to them.

If, for some reason, a nap is skipped or bedtime takes a bit longer than usual, have patience. Your children are in a new environment that is exciting and fun. It’s very normal for babies and toddlers to test the boundaries around sleep when they are somewhere new. Having realistic expectations is important. 

Kids are kids and not robots. Changes in eating, schedule, environment, even meeting different people can result in sleep being a bit disrupted. The good news is that if you had a great little sleeper before a trip, you can get back on track as soon as you are home!


If you are wanting to plan a trip but you’re worried about your child’s sleep and how they will do while traveling — let us help you!

If your child is falling asleep independently, email us about scheduling a 30-minute Strategy Call to plan for your next adventure. And if your kiddo isn’t yet on their independent sleep journey, we’re here to help. Schedule your complimentary 15-minute discovery call with us to learn about our method and how we can help you sleep train your kiddo.


All of our Sleep Squad members have completed Sleep Sense Training and the Kelly Murray Sleep mentorship program. Kelly continues to support, guide and oversee the Sleep Squad as they work with each family. This way, all clients experience the same amazing results (and lots and lots of sleep), regardless of who supports them.


Sweet Dreams

Kelly Murray is a certified sleep coach and an award-winning pediatric sleep consultant based in Chicago offering sleep coaching services nationwide.