Sleep Schedule

How to Get Your Newborn on a Good Schedule

How to Get Your Newborn on a Good Schedule

If you’re a new parent, you may be wondering the best way to get your newborn on a set schedule. Well… we’ve got good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news: newborns (mostly) set their own schedules, and those schedules are wildly unpredictable! Now for the good news: there is a TON you can do to help make your unpredictable newborn’s schedule more predictable and set them up for routine success. Read this blog post to find out the secrets!

Strategies for Managing Bedtime with Multiple Kids On Your Own

Strategies for Managing Bedtime with Multiple Kids On Your Own

Senior Sleep Consultant McKenna Linford shares her top tips for handling bedtime solo with three under three!

How to Handle Sickness While Sleep Training

How to Handle Sickness While Sleep Training

Don’t you feel like one of the hardest things to do as a parent is to watch your child feel discomfort when they’re sick? It can be especially challenging, I know, when you’re in the midst of sleep training.

It’s a mixed bag of emotions — you want (and should) comfort your kiddo and help them heal, and at the same time, you also want them to maintain the independent sleep skills they have worked so hard to achieve.

Fortunately with a little guidance, you can treat your child while maintaining their healthy sleep habits — or at very least, set them up for success to continue those habits once the sickness has passed. Check out this blogpost for what I advise my clients to do when their child is under the weather.

How to Navigate Bedtime Solo with Multiple Children and Differing Routines

How to Navigate Bedtime Solo with Multiple Children and Differing Routines

Handling bedtime for multiples can be daunting. But handling bedtime for multiples when you’re flying solo for the weekend can be even more stressful. With her husband having to travel for work, Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni has learned how to navigate this process like a pro. She shares her tips and tricks in this blog post so you can, too!

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

You know your baby is too tired when they can't sleep. Unlike adults, babies sleep worse when they have been kept awake too long. This is because of an overproduction of cortisol in their system. Allow me to explain what's going on behind this phenomenon in this blog post and what you can do to get your child back to sleep.

Six Tips to Keep the Sleep While Transitioning Back to Daycare

Six Tips to Keep the Sleep While Transitioning Back to Daycare

Let’s face it: daycare naps just aren’t as good as at-home naps. Or at least, that’s what the masses will tell you. But I’m on a mission to turn this around! That’s why I’m sharing my top six tips for how to keep the sleep while you transition your kiddo back to daycare. Let’s make daycare naps the new black.

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

New Year’s Resolution: To Give My Child Better Sleep. Sound like you? With most of us still in isolation and with the cold temperatures keeping us cooped up, there’s no better time to hunker down and sleep train your child for the New Year. In this blog post, I give you my Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep to get your child’s sleep in tip-top shape for 2021.