Sleep Training

How to Use Wake Windows to Help Your Baby Sleep Better

How to Use Wake Windows to Help Your Baby Sleep Better

Wake Windows got you stumped? Don’t stress! Learn how our team defines wake windows and how you can use them to help your baby sleep longer, better, and healthier.

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

So you’ve decided to sleep train your baby after multiple long nights, weeks, or even months of sleepless nights. You’ve probably heard wonderful stories from friends and family about their experiences and would love that same experience — except you have something they don’t: anxiety. ⁠

Multiple questions might flood your mind: Are you able to sleep train and see results? (Spoiler: YES!) How will you get through this period? Will they just outgrow this on their own? What will others think?

Senior Sleep Consultant shares her top tips on how to go through the sleep training process starting from night one while working through the anxiety.

Is It Bad to Sleep Train Your Baby?

Is It Bad to Sleep Train Your Baby?

If you’ve researched sleep training, then you’ve probably seen it all — the good, the bad, and the ugly. There’s a lot of information to parse through and it can be difficult to get an accurate read on the real-life impact of sleep training for a child and family. As a mama who knows what it’s like to go from exhausted to seeing her child thrive from sleep training, Sleep Squad Consultant Stacey Mademann shares her first-hand knowledge on the subject using the latest research to help illustrate the positive impact of teaching your child this life skill.

How Do I Know If My Child Is Getting Enough Sleep?

How Do I Know If My Child Is Getting Enough Sleep?

One of the most important gifts you can give to your child is meeting them where they are developmentally. This means sometimes accepting that they require less sleep than, say, your friend whose kiddo sleeps 13 hours per night and takes 3 hour naps per day. Expectation setting is everything, especially when it comes to sleep and sleep training. Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni walks you through managing expectations with your child’s sleep, as well as determining what’s normal and healthy to see.

How to Handle Sickness While Sleep Training

How to Handle Sickness While Sleep Training

Don’t you feel like one of the hardest things to do as a parent is to watch your child feel discomfort when they’re sick? It can be especially challenging, I know, when you’re in the midst of sleep training.

It’s a mixed bag of emotions — you want (and should) comfort your kiddo and help them heal, and at the same time, you also want them to maintain the independent sleep skills they have worked so hard to achieve.

Fortunately with a little guidance, you can treat your child while maintaining their healthy sleep habits — or at very least, set them up for success to continue those habits once the sickness has passed. Check out this blogpost for what I advise my clients to do when their child is under the weather.

How to Navigate Bedtime Solo with Multiple Children and Differing Routines

How to Navigate Bedtime Solo with Multiple Children and Differing Routines

Handling bedtime for multiples can be daunting. But handling bedtime for multiples when you’re flying solo for the weekend can be even more stressful. With her husband having to travel for work, Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni has learned how to navigate this process like a pro. She shares her tips and tricks in this blog post so you can, too!

Yes, You Can Feed Your Baby Overnight and Still Sleep Train

Yes, You Can Feed Your Baby Overnight and Still Sleep Train

If you’ve been holding back on sleep training because you’re worried you’ll have to drop night feedings, I’m here to quell your fears: You don’t have to drop them!

The key is teaching your baby to distinguish feeding as a separate act from sleeping. Check this blog post out to learn what it’s all about.

Why Naps Are More Challenging When Sleep Training — and 4 Tips to Make Them Better

Why Naps Are More Challenging When Sleep Training — and 4 Tips to Make Them Better

Naps can be challenging all on their own, but throw sleep training into the mix, and they can become a completely different beast. Allow me to explain the science behind what’s going on behind phenomenon, and explain some helpful tips to help turn your little one from a nap protestor to a nap enthusiast! (Or at least a nap taker!)

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

You know your baby is too tired when they can't sleep. Unlike adults, babies sleep worse when they have been kept awake too long. This is because of an overproduction of cortisol in their system. Allow me to explain what's going on behind this phenomenon in this blog post and what you can do to get your child back to sleep.

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

New Year’s Resolution: To Give My Child Better Sleep. Sound like you? With most of us still in isolation and with the cold temperatures keeping us cooped up, there’s no better time to hunker down and sleep train your child for the New Year. In this blog post, I give you my Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep to get your child’s sleep in tip-top shape for 2021.

What the Heck Is Sleep Training Anyway? Do You REALLY Need To Do It To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night?

What the Heck Is Sleep Training Anyway? Do You REALLY Need To Do It To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night?

Learn about different popular sleep training methods: what they are and how effective each is in getting your baby to sleep through the night.

The Curse of the Early Riser: 3 Tips on How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Later

The Curse of the Early Riser: 3 Tips on How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Later

I have always been an early riser.  Before having kids, I would love to wake-up early on weekends when most of of city is still asleep to go for a bike ride or run.  In those days I would get a lot of gratification out of getting more done by noon than most people get done in an entire day.  Back then, my definition of waking up early on the weekend was 8:00 AM and getting a lot done consisted of a work out, a mani/pedi and maybe a load of laundry.  Well, now that I am a parent, a LOT has changed.  Early morning bike rides have been replaced by early trips to the park, it’s a miracle if I am to squeeze in a shower before noon let alone a mani/pedi (have you seen my feet?) and now I consider 8:00 AM sleeping-in!