Baby Sleep

How to Have a Life Outside the House While Ensuring Your Baby Gets Enough Daytime Sleep

How to Have a Life Outside the House While Ensuring Your Baby Gets Enough Daytime Sleep

Juggling your social life while taking care of your baby's wellness can be a delicate balance. But it can be done, and you can do it! Read my top 10 tips for how to design the life you want while also ensuring your baby gets the rest they need to be their best. It’s all in this blog post!

4 Tips for Sleep Success While Traveling

4 Tips for Sleep Success While Traveling

With travel restrictions lifting throughout the country, I figured it would be a good time to revisit my top tips on ensuring your child maintains their rest while on vacation. Follow my proven 4 tips and you’ll be sure to keep those zzz’s while venturing back out to travel.

A Sleep Consultant's Take on the Snoo

A Sleep Consultant's Take on the Snoo

Not a week goes by that I don’t get asked, “What are your thoughts on the Snoo?” As you can probably imagine, it’s hard to sum up my thoughts into one sentence, and you may be surprised to know that — gasp — I don’t hate it! But, like any sleep-assisting mechanism, it is not without its disadvantages.

In this blog post, I go into the pros and cons of the Snoo once and for all and give you my ultimate opinion so that you, dear parent, can make your own informed decision for your newborn.

How to Transition from Three Naps to Two

How to Transition from Three Naps to Two

If you're moving your baby from a three to two nap schedule and are a little anxious about it, first know that you are not alone. It can cause a lot of anxiety for parents and it's understandable! This is the first nap transition where you’re incorporating some pre-planning and strategy to really help your child find sleep success. With a little guidance from this blog post, you’re going to know exactly what to avoid, and exactly what to begin.

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

Why Overtiredness Leads to Sleep Issues

You know your baby is too tired when they can't sleep. Unlike adults, babies sleep worse when they have been kept awake too long. This is because of an overproduction of cortisol in their system. Allow me to explain what's going on behind this phenomenon in this blog post and what you can do to get your child back to sleep.

Six Tips to Keep the Sleep While Transitioning Back to Daycare

Six Tips to Keep the Sleep While Transitioning Back to Daycare

Let’s face it: daycare naps just aren’t as good as at-home naps. Or at least, that’s what the masses will tell you. But I’m on a mission to turn this around! That’s why I’m sharing my top six tips for how to keep the sleep while you transition your kiddo back to daycare. Let’s make daycare naps the new black.

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child's Sleep

New Year’s Resolution: To Give My Child Better Sleep. Sound like you? With most of us still in isolation and with the cold temperatures keeping us cooped up, there’s no better time to hunker down and sleep train your child for the New Year. In this blog post, I give you my Top 3 Tips for Improving Your Child’s Sleep to get your child’s sleep in tip-top shape for 2021.

5 Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Through the Fourth of July Fireworks

5 Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Through the Fourth of July Fireworks

With fireworks in full swing and the Fourth of July coming up, I thought it would be helpful (and essential to our overall well-being as parents) to give you 5 tips on how to get your baby to sleep through the night and what to do when they DO wake up!

What the Heck Is Sleep Training Anyway? Do You REALLY Need To Do It To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night?

What the Heck Is Sleep Training Anyway? Do You REALLY Need To Do It To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night?

Learn about different popular sleep training methods: what they are and how effective each is in getting your baby to sleep through the night.

How Do I Know My Baby Is Ready to Move to a One Nap Schedule? Transitioning From Two Naps to One

How Do I Know My Baby Is Ready to Move to a One Nap Schedule? Transitioning From Two Naps to One

In this article, I explore one of the most frequently asked questions for my sleep Q&A: how do I know my baby is ready to move to a one nap schedule? I give you tips on how to handle the transition into a one nap schedule, what signs to look for so you know when your baby is ready, and go over how developmental milestones affect your baby’s sleep habits.

How to Handle Keeping Kids Out Past Their Bedtime This Holiday Season

How to Handle Keeping Kids Out Past Their Bedtime This Holiday Season

With the holidays upon us, I have received a ton of questions from clients this week about how they should handle those situations where they have no choice but to keep their kiddo up past their bedtime. We’ve all been there -- you want to participate in the fun but you’re not sure how to minimize the consequences. Today, I'm not only going to share my tips for surviving the night but also how to get your child back on track the next day.

The Pacifier and Sleep - Friend or Foe?

The Pacifier and Sleep - Friend or Foe?

One of the most common questions I get from new parents is -- will a pacifier improve my baby's sleep? I know that I asked myself this same question when I was a new mom and to my dismay, neither one of my babies would take a pacifier no matter how hard I tried… And let me tell you, I tried

I tried every brand, every shape, every type, every color and honestly, if someone had told me if I stood on my head and gave my baby a pacifier that they would be more likely to take it, I would've tried that too. But no such luck -- it just didn’t work for me.

Little did I know, the pacifier likely wasn't the answer to our sleep prayers, and actually it would have likely caused even more difficulties overnight.

Why You Shouldn't Let Crying Hold You Back from Sleep Training

Why You Shouldn't Let Crying Hold You Back from Sleep Training

As a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, one of the most common questions I receive from parents is, "how much will my baby cry during sleep training?" I wish that I had a crystal ball that would allow me to answer this question as it would make it a lot easier for parents to decide if they would be able to commit to a sleep program. Unfortunately, the amount of crying is hard to predict. It depends on many factors, including: the baby's temperament, level of sleep deprivation, and if sleep training has been attempted in the past.

5 Common Sleep Myths Debunked

5 Common Sleep Myths Debunked

If you google "Baby Sleep Advice," approximately 210,000,000 articles appear (yikes!).  That certainly explains why so many mothers I talk to feel extremely confused on how to solve their children's sleep issues.  I remember feeling the exact same way when my own son wasn't sleeping well, and I was looking for a solution. The advice I found while searching the internet was often just anecdotal and conflicting. My searches resulted in greater confusion and increased frustration.

Since you are reading this article, it would be safe to say that you can relate.   To help ease your mind, I am going to put my training and experience to good use to squash some of the most popular sleep myths.

How to Pack for Sweet Dreams When Traveling with Children

How to Pack for Sweet Dreams When Traveling with Children

“Pack” has always been a four-letter word in my book.

I am forever struggling with the former girl scout in me who likes to “always be prepared” and my desire to pack light in order to avoid the dreaded baggage claim.  

Now that I have children the struggle is even more real.  Especially when it comes to packing “all the things” needed to replicate their home sleep environment while we are away to help them catch their zzzs.

Because if they aren’t sleeping well, I am not sleeping well and that’s not fun for anyone.

To help ensure that “no lovey is left behind”, I have created a packing list that covers the essentials needed to create a comfy and cozy sleep environment for your children.  It also includes some of my favorite travel-friendly sleep related products too!

Amazon Prime Day: Best Deals on Sleep Products

Amazon Prime Day: Best Deals on Sleep Products

It is Amazon Prime Day - Hip, Hip, Hooray!   If you love good deals and sleeping, then you are in luck.  I have searched the site for the best deals on all my favorite sleep-inducing products.    I will continue to update the list for the next 36 hours so check back frequently! Happy shopping and sleeping. :)

Surviving the Infamous 4 Month Sleep Regression

Surviving the Infamous 4 Month Sleep Regression

As a new parent, chances are that you have heard about the dreaded 4 Month Sleep Regression from a friend or family member or maybe you are currently going through it (I’m sorry!) with your babe.  The war stories usually sound like this….

“Up until around 16 weeks my baby would fall asleep peacefully in my arms while feeding and would wake up just a couple times to feed overnight and then would fall back to sleep quickly like a little angel baby.  Once my baby hit the 4 month mark, sleep became his enemy. Now he is up every hour wanting to party and it takes FOREVER for him to fall back to sleep.”

Sound familiar?  If you ever wondered why so many families share the same story, you are in luck.  I am going to shed some light on this phenomenon as well as share some surefire ways to get through it without losing too much sleep.

Amazon Prime Day Sleep Picks!

Amazon Prime Day Sleep Picks!

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE a good deal.  That is why July 11th has quickly become one of my favorite shopping days as it is when Amazon offers amazing deals for its Prime Members.  I have spent a good portion of the day scouring the site for goodies, so I thought that I would share some of my favorite sleep inducing deals with you.  Here you go....