Baby Sleep

When Can I Unswaddle My Baby?

When Can I Unswaddle My Baby?

When babies are newborns we swaddle them for many reasons. Babies really like the feeling of being snug and secure. They just spent nine months in a pretty tight space. So when they are born it can be really hard for them to adjust to all of a sudden being able to move their bodies freely.

This transition can be really tricky for a lot of babies and we have the answers on how to navigate the transition period.

A Sleep Consultant's Review of the SlumberPod®

A Sleep Consultant's Review of the SlumberPod®

Master Sleep Consultant Jade LiManni reviews one of our favorite sleep products on the market, the SlumberPod.

What is the Best Schedule for an 8 Month Old?

What is the Best Schedule for an 8 Month Old?

It can be challenging to navigate the many tips and tricks out there, so I'm here to offer some guidance on how to get your baby sleeping through the night and taking restful naps.

How to Get Your Baby To Sleep Through the Night

How to Get Your Baby To Sleep Through the Night

How do I get my baby to sleep through the night?

First, I’d encourage you to check out the post one of my fellow consultants, Katie Baker, made about how to know when your baby is ready to sleep through the night. Once you know your baby is ready to sleep through the night, you should look for and work on these four things. This is called the Sleep Equation

Why Consistency is so Important During Sleep Training

Why Consistency is so Important During Sleep Training

If there is a single most important part of sleep training, it’s consistency. In order to see success, you need to be consistent! Without it, you will be sending a very confusing message to your baby that can sabotage progress and it’s very unfair to your little one.

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

Are Sleep Consultants Worth It?

You are probably wondering if hiring a sleep consultant is really worth it. Asking yourself if it’s really beneficial or if you can just tackle sleep training on your own.

A sleep consultant offers you expert guidance and support every step of the way and will create a plan that works for YOUR family.

Navigating Your Child's Sleep Schedule at the End of Daylight Savings Time

Navigating Your Child's Sleep Schedule at the End of Daylight Savings Time

Remember the good old days before you had kids when you looked forward to the clocks “falling back”? 

Before you became a parent, the time change meant that you could sleep an extra hour before work on Monday. No need to hit the snooze button. Leisurely watching the morning news in bed. An extra cup of coffee. 

Let’s take a moment to savor those memories before we process what the end of daylight savings time means for your child’s sleep schedule.

How and When to Introduce a Lovey

How and When to Introduce a Lovey

Lovies can be a great way to infuse your child’s sleep environment with a sentimental, loving touch. It provides portable security they can depend on.

But what if your child doesn’t have a lovey?

Don’t worry, I got your back! This post will guide you from start to finish on all-things-lovey.

A Doctor's Take On the Updated AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations

A Doctor's Take On the Updated AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations

The new AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations have some parents second guessing every move with their babies. That’s why I turned to the pediatrician I trust the most — my own children’s doctor, Dr. Payal Adhikari — to weigh in on the latest updates made to the guidelines. In this blog, read what Dr. Adhikari had to say and learn more about some of the most important updates made to the AAP Safe Sleep Recommendations.

How to Get Your Newborn on a Good Schedule

How to Get Your Newborn on a Good Schedule

If you’re a new parent, you may be wondering the best way to get your newborn on a set schedule. Well… we’ve got good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news: newborns (mostly) set their own schedules, and those schedules are wildly unpredictable! Now for the good news: there is a TON you can do to help make your unpredictable newborn’s schedule more predictable and set them up for routine success. Read this blog post to find out the secrets!

What to Do If Sleep Training Isn't Working

What to Do If Sleep Training Isn't Working

You’re in the middle of sleep training and something just isn’t working. “Maybe my baby just isn’t cut out for this,” you think to yourself. Not so fast! Before you throw in the towel, take a look at these measures of progress and adjustments to make when sleep training feels like it’s gone off the rails. Then see if there may just be one small thing you can do to get right back on track!

Prep for Summer Fun without Sacrificing Sleep

Prep for Summer Fun without Sacrificing Sleep

Summer is on the horizon and we’re making plans for fun in the sun! Are you ready to keep the sleep, too? YES! Because you’re going to implement these tips from our Sleep Consultant Erin Wolen!

Strategies for Managing Bedtime with Multiple Kids On Your Own

Strategies for Managing Bedtime with Multiple Kids On Your Own

Senior Sleep Consultant McKenna Linford shares her top tips for handling bedtime solo with three under three!

How to Use Wake Windows to Help Your Baby Sleep Better

How to Use Wake Windows to Help Your Baby Sleep Better

Wake Windows got you stumped? Don’t stress! Learn how our team defines wake windows and how you can use them to help your baby sleep longer, better, and healthier.

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

Managing Parental Anxiety while Sleeping Training

So you’ve decided to sleep train your baby after multiple long nights, weeks, or even months of sleepless nights. You’ve probably heard wonderful stories from friends and family about their experiences and would love that same experience — except you have something they don’t: anxiety. ⁠

Multiple questions might flood your mind: Are you able to sleep train and see results? (Spoiler: YES!) How will you get through this period? Will they just outgrow this on their own? What will others think?

Senior Sleep Consultant shares her top tips on how to go through the sleep training process starting from night one while working through the anxiety.